Monday, November 03, 2008

An Open Letter to Blackie Lawless...

W.A.S.P. frontman Blackie Lawless decided to weigh on tomorrow's U.S. Presidential election in a lengthy statement on the band's website. I figure that even though I am not an American, I should respond. After all, this election affects everyone, not just citizens of the U.S.

Dear Mr. Lawless;
I have to say it is with a touch of sadness and some confusion that I read your statement regarding Barack Obama and tomorrow's election. While I haven't been a fan of every single release, I still consider myself a fan. More importantly, I always felt that you were a fine example of the non-stereotypical metalhead: intelligent, articulate and well-versed in the world. So I was shocked to see your rant against Obama. You claim that you aren't supporting McCain, yet every single claim you make in the article is straight from the Republicans battle strategy for this election. Lies, bordering on slander, that have been pumped out ad nauseum by Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, The Drudge Report and other right-wing attack artists. Seriously, you believe that Obama is a Marxist? That he is a product of the "Harvard Far-Left"? Perhaps you could explain how that is so much worse than someone who is a product of the "Yale Far Right"? Sounds ridiculous, doesn't it. As one scans down the page, we see all of the pathetic and debunked McCain claims: The connections to Khalidi, Ayers and Wright.
And don't even get me started on ACORN. I am glad to see you denounce racism, yet to make the kind of statements that black people are only voting for Obama because he is black is not only a line of thinking right out of the mouth of such human scum like Rush Limbaugh.
You decry Obama for reading 'Mein Kampf', so I have a question for you: How is this bad, when you take into account the comments of G. Gordon Liddy, convicted felon, domestic terrorist, and good friend of John McCain? It is a sincere disappointment that you would risk more war, economic disaster and even the very freedom to do what you do because you fell for the lies of the complicit right-wing media and a man who voted with Bush 90% of the time. If you think Obama is scary, believe me, what the world fears more is a sickly McCain taking office, then dying to hand the reins of power to Sarah Palin, who will most assuredly attack metal with a ferocity that will make the battle against the PMRC seem like a joke.
So thank you, for making some memorable music over the years. But in your belief of the smear tactics against Obama, and support of a party that will destroy the freedom to play and listen to the music that so many love, you have lost me as a fan. Here's to you not getting what you wish for.

Kent Basky
Mass Hypnosis Metal Radio


Anonymous said...

I read G. Gordon Liddy's autobiography when the Bookmobile would park across the street from that little corner store in our neighbourhood we frequented so much, Kent. Scary dude. W.A.S.P. was relevant for about ten months in the early eighties, and back then Blackie Lawless would run his mouth about hating Rush. I always ignore political discourse from people who wear sawblades on their codpieces. Now, please write about why death is way less fun than death metal. Throwin' the horns, Rob Sturney.

Anonymous said...

Like it or not, I agree 100% with Blackie Lawless!

Anonymous said...

Kent, You are not too smart.

What about those so intelligent Hollywood actors and actresses and THEIR opinions? We certainly get THOSE shoved down our throats everyday. Seems that Kent has been watching a lot of TV. Palin is stupid because she did not take acting lessons like Obama did.

Anonymous said...

The only "stereotypical" metalhead here is you shooting your mouth off without thinking. We will all soon pay the price for the bias and ignorance of people like yourself. Give yourself a pat on the back.

Anonymous said...

This site is dumb, just like your open letter to Blackie Lawless. Look Obamatron Lawless was right on, to the T in fact. Anyone wo supports more government is a complete imbecile. Course on your site you have an ad from google supporting the nationalized healthcare. That's brilliant, are thye going to run that as well as they do the DMV??