Saturday, February 17, 2007

Episode 16

Episode 16

Sick and Sweet 16, it's the latest edition of Mass Hypnosis Metal Radio. This week, we give you some classic old school from SACRIFICE and FLOTSAM & JETSAM, a couple great bands from South America (CHAINSAW KILLER and FUNEBRIA) and Europe (DEATH BY DAWN and PUTREFIED) killer tracks from SODOM, ENTOMBED, MORIBOND, ENFORCER and SELF REGIME and an interview with Vancouver's ENTROPIA!

CHAINSAW KILLER- Spark Of CreationColumbia's Chainsaw Killer have that early 80's Euro-thrash vibe that seems to breed like crazy in the jungles of South America.
DEATH BY DAWN- Not Afraid To DieThese German thrashers feature ex-Pestilence/Bolt Thrower vocalist Martin Van Drunen. Very straight up death-thrash for those who like their thrash traditional and without all the metalcore trappings.

ENTROPIA- One By OneAnother up and coming Vancouver band with a great old school vibe, part of a new wave of metal talent coming from a city ready to unleash a tsunami of metal insanity on the world. The interview was done with MH Metal Radio's Chunky McFunbags at The Buffalo Club's Metal Mondays.

FLOTSAM AND JETSAM- Iron TearsThe band recently re-released it's classic 1986 debut 'Doomsday For The Deciever', that introduced the metal world to a young Jason Newsted, who would...well you know all about that. A killer album by a bunch of crazy Arizona thrashers that is a must in any decent metal collection.
ENFORCER- Evil Attacker Sweden certainly isn't lacking for bands who keep the spirit of 80's metal alive. Enforcer remind one a lot of 'Violence and Force' era EXCITER, which is something we here at MH will always support! Love these guys!
ENTOMBED- ForsakenAlong with bands like Dismember, Unleashed and Grave, Entombed made their mark on the metal scene with a sound that just fucking crushed you upon first listen. This one goes back a bit, as they began their transition to a more groove-based death sound, but still with that wicked gallop that's instantly recognizeable.

FUNEBRIA- TormentoBack to South America, this time it's Venezuelan Black Metallers Funebria. The track is from their debut album 'IN DOMINUS BLASFEMICAL EST… AD NOCTUM SATHANIA'.
MORIBOND- Dim LightNow this is weird, a death metal band from Quebec! Okay all kidding aside, Moribond is a fairly new band who unlike a lot of their provincial counterparts focus on the heaviness rather than the technicality. Their debut is called 'Funeral', and is a promising entry into the Canadian metal scene.

SACRIFICE- Soldiers Of MisfortuneWhile we patiently await the Canadian thrash legends' triumphant return later this year, here is the classic title track from their third album.
SODOM- City Of GodFrom their most recent, s/t release, the legendary German thrashers show no sign of slowing down or lightening up. A great track from one of the best albums of 2006.
SELF REGIME- InfectedThis week's BC Metal Forces Band of the Week is a great death/thrash act from East Vancouver, with vocals from (and yes, stu... 3 bands officially makes you a bandwhore :>) Into Eternity/ Omega Crom screamer Stu Block. But don't let those names fool you, these guys sound nothing like either two. Death-thrash will some nice black metal flourishes that will leave an impact on you.

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